Monday, February 25, 2008

Team Hong Kong Newsletter # 12
This Week at Crossroads
February 25, 2008
by Maria Sensenig

"Would you like a small or a large? Is that for here or take away? Did you want the vanilla chai or the spiced?" These were the questions coming out of my mouth on Wednesday and Thursday as Karen and I started our first days at the cafe at Crossroads. After several weeks of moving around to different departments and doing all sorts of odd jobs, we've now been placed into different areas where we will hopefully stay for the remainder of our time there.
Now as you may or may not know my plan for this past fall was to move to Seattle and work in a coffee shop. God interrupted that plan, but here I am in Hong Kong, working in a coffee shop. I really see it as a gift from Him. Unfortunately it wasn't all fun and games this week. My patience was tested to the limit by our trainer, the broken espresso machine, and the computer messing up all our records at the end of the day. We are, however, feeling very optimistic and ready to give it another shot this week.
As mentioned in an earlier newsletter, along with distributing goods all over the world, Crossroads also does many simulations, games, and other activities to raise awareness about everything from AIDS to refugees to what it's like to be blind. The purpose of the newest activity is to enlighten people about sweatshops and child labor and we were part of the guinea pig group that got to test it before it goes into full swing. It was quite interesting as Karen and I, workers from a clothing factory, found ourselves arguing our case with Ben and Josh, owners of a shoe store, and others who represented the CEO's of the shoe company and the actual sweatshop owners. While we presented our conditions and demanded improvements to be made, the other groups spent the time shifting the blame from one to the other, not wanting to commit to anything that might reduce the millions that were flowing into their pockets. It was interesting and thought provoking and just one more way Crossroads is helping the world.

Prayer Requests:
- We handed out about 800 flyers about an English night we're starting, pray for a good response!

- Only a few hours after handing out the flyers someone was at the church doors ready to sign up!
- After a few months where we saw little progress in connecting with the youth, we had a really good night on Saturday. We were able to join in their sharing and prayer request time and it was great listening to them as well as sharing what is going on with us.

1 comment:

Marv & Rhoda Sensenig said...

Make that a vanilla chai for here!!I am happy to hear you got the coffe shop assignment! May God shine through you both as he brings his people into the shop.
love ya