Sunday, January 13, 2008

Team Hong Kong Newsletter
Learning the Language
January 14, 2007
by Karen Martin

I held the book in my hand, eager to interact with these students for the next half hour. Yes, it would be challenging for all of us. No matter how exciting singing a song and listening to a story may be, it’s hard for young children to sit still sometimes. I think for these kids, the challenge of learning to communicate in English is much harder than trying to behave.

Saturday morning we helped to teach English at the Tuen Mun Center (the place we previously helped to renovate). For this first session we taught six kids who were between the ages of 4-8 and were accompanied by a parent. Learning English is of value to many parents, especially as their children are being taught in school. Sessions like this give parents the opportunity to also study and practice speaking English. The activities were centered around learning feelings such as happy, sad, excited, angry, and bored. Each of us helped to teach through various activities - I led a song and read a story, Josh played a game with them, and Maria and Ben helped with a craft.

As I encouraged the children to introduce themselves and talk with me, I recognize that I too am a beginner. I have endless opportunities to step out and try a new language. Sometimes it means repeating the same phrase over and over again, willing my brain to remember it and promptly forgetting what it means. Other times associations help, but most of the time it’s those crazy mistakes that help me remember the best. (Yes, there are stories to tell, but that will have to wait for another highly anticipated post)

- This week we are officially beginning language study! . . . is this a praise or prayer request?
- Teaching the children at the Tuen Mun Center went well and we are excited for the next two sessions

Prayer Requests:
- For joy and perseverance as we learn Cantonese
- For boldness to ask questions and love in sharing our lives with others

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